Sunday, April 5, 2009


Running is going well! I asked for (and got!) a running watch for my birthday. I am still figuring out all the ins and outs of using the software, and unfortunately the heart rate strap doesn't quite fit around my chest. However, it has really helped me be able to more accurately track my runs and I've enjoyed using it.
My friend Sarah works for Genesis Women's Shelter and she asked a few of us to participate in the Make the Break 5k. Aria, Jessica and I signed up and had a great time on Saturday. I wasn't sure how long it would take me and goaled myself at 35 minutes based on times of other runs I have done outside. Aria and I crossed the finish line together and my chip time was 31:51! I was so excited to see that I beat my goal!
However, I think my Garmin needs to be calibrated! When I stopped the timer, it had logged 5.27km. Hmmm...

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